Monday 31 January 2011

Hayes TT

i'm off too hayes table tennis club soon and i am ready and waiting for all contenders, me and gee gonna show them what time it is. Even though there are some good players there if they all turn up it should be a great night set me up for Fridays games. And talking about friday, at my club at Forest Hill School there was a great match against the up and coming young Super Star Camz, he was the Champion on that night very calm and relaxed in his game play full of style and composure, he played the Dj Allan Brando who gave him a good game but just couldnt match him on the night. Maybe if Allan concentrated a bit more he might off had a chance but he thought his knowledge of the game could intimidate the Great Camz but hay it didnt happen. Then he played the Great Mr PLAY they had a very good game Camz beat him then play came back and took the next set, believe me people Friday nights are not about raving but about Table Tennis. the Stories will continue when i get back from Hayes. Peacccccce out.

Great Table Tennis

Hello all last night i played some great Table Tennis with my pals, there was some classy shot play by master Gee he performed well with his new rubbers gave me lots of trouble but me being me over powered the Great Gee with my looping technique and firing backhand, it was proper firing last night i was impressed  and happy with my game. Eugeen or Mr brick wall as we call him played excellent his returning from my backhand loops what can i say i played a old school Dyce backhand loop with pace and plenty topspin and Eugeen returned it like he was playing a 2 year old, breaking my composure and heart then of course i lost the point and the game.

Today i am at Hayes TT club, gonna show them what time it is so as Arnie says I'LL BE BACK:

Sunday 30 January 2011


This morning my nephew and i were talking about the great Sport, and he then said to me why not set up a blog page, and me being me said ok but not without your help. help it took us 2 half hours to set up we were'nt impressed but hay i am IN now. watch Mr dyces Space, time to start the ball rolling.